Memorable Threads Of All Time
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Have to start with this one

Heidi simmo & bruce Around Australia
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
One of my favourite runs.
The 1st River Rampage to NYMBOIDA.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
From the keyboard of our own literary genius Astro:

Cheers Ruffy
Ruffy Wrote:From the keyboard of our own literary genius Astro:

Cheers Ruffy
Yep excellent Ruffy. There is an older one too by Astro which is great about a lot of Members...will try and find it...
Here is Astro's classic ODE TO THE BUSA CLUB.

Part One – The race to the first corner….

Crossing the start line… Xhiler8râ€s got the nod
Then DjPete dumps clutch… smoking Rocket Rod
DjPete smiles broadly…. but he never reckoned
On Busgo screaming past… as he shifts into second

OhzOne gets serious….. gets his Busa to stand
Then he wheelies past everyone…. using one hand.
Ressacâ€s laying rubber… for hundreds of yards
Reducing his Diablo… to globules and shards

Heidi1â€s got it sorted… shes got guts, grit and nerve !
In her tight fitting leathers… Busgo slows down to perv
GDYUP whizzes past them… heâ€s really in the groove
Heâ€d be out front except that….. bloody DjPete wonâ€t move !

Up comes the first corner… squealing pads, roaring motors
Kawasuki brakes late…. Braided lines, ceramic rotors !
He sneaks up on Busgo… goes thru the inside
Scares crap out of Chopper Bob... Makes Busgo go wide

They dive into the corner… Simmoâ€s scraping pegs
Xhiler8râ€s thinking… geeze Heidi1â€s got nice legs !
Sweeping thru the apex….. Beestroyerâ€s looking great
While AstroBusaâ€s wishing… he was still on the straight !

And just when you thought…. Pan couldnâ€t go wider
Around goes the viffer…. grinding hard on Rods slider
A mid-corner upshift…. earns Mike the Bike full marks
As Volviâ€s Remus scrapes… showering Rev01 in sparks

Xhiler8râ€s keeled right over…. heâ€s almost on the rims
RaZ80â€s down so low…. that his oggy knob skims
But one show-off tops them... its hard not to stare
As OhzOne is cornering…. front wheel still in the air !!

The best thru the corner…. Rocket Rodâ€s standing tall
Heâ€d be out in the lead… except his Hondaâ€s too small.
Instead he is still trailing… as GDYUP roars off
Throwdownâ€s laying rubber... all Rod can do is cough.

He can see the straight coming… Busgoâ€s heading for glory
But heâ€s pipped on the exit… by never ending story !
The tension is building… the fans scream in the stands
As shifting to third…. OhzOneâ€s front wheel finally lands.

Whats going to happen ? How will it end ?
Youâ€ll just have to wait… for Part 2 my friend
I could go on for ages… but you get the idea
OzBusa club members…. Ride bikes with no fear !

A genuine work of art and I was very proud to be included after only being a member of the club for a relatively short time when Rob wrote it.

Thanks mate.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
well done Busgo....classic
Still have a laugh when I read it today.

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