WSID 11 Nov
I'd like to go if anything is organised <i></i>
I'm going. Already have my ticket! <i></i>
Competitor gates open at 6am, spectator gates open 8.30am , racing starts at 9am im heading out around 12 to learn from the pros <i></i>
I'm going home now to shine the bike, I figure that will have to count for .5 sec. Is anyone going Friday night as well? I'm going to both. <i></i>
I'll be going for a look Hiedi, but I wont be racing.
I will probably make an appearance on Saturday at some stage too. <i></i>
Good to see you got your tickets ok Heidi, I sent mine back for a credit (bugger it)
Off to see the quacks again tomorrow hopefully with good news but not real sure about that at this stage, have fun for me Guys & Gals
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
Good luck everyone, geeze I wish I was home.
Get well quick Simmo I'll be back soon to kick your ... Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Hope it all goes well for you tomorrow simmo. Keep your chin up. It will come good.

Heidi we will be out there tomorrow night. So long as it is not .

Cheers Dee <i></i>
What's the story with competitors tickets for Saturday? Can I still buy them on the day if I decide to run or was it all pre-booked? My number is 0421 347822 if someone can enlighten me and I will certainly come out Saturday so would like to be able to contact the Busa Club guys and find out where you all are. <i></i>
I am not racing at this one now, so if you want you can buy my entry off me.
I am going out tonight, I will take my passes for Saturday with me, otherwise give me a call on the number I just SMS'd you from.

Dave <i></i>
See you guys out there tonight. <i></i>
After getting beaten by the GIRLS in my first 2 runs and running miserable 12.5 and 12.3 seconds , I pulled off a 10.906 sec in my last run!! Rapt to have cracked the 10 second barrier on my first day.

First I got flogged by Ali on her 600CBR Honda! I know I should be 'drawn and quartered' for letting a Honda 600 beat me (and one ridden by a girl!) but Hey, it was my first time ever on a drag strip and I was flat out just trying to keep the thing pointing in the right direction from the nerves

Then I got flogged again by Heidi in my second run who was in good form (especiall during the 4 HOURS wait between my first and second runs, by keeping us amused with her tales and bubbly personality), but at least it was a Busa!

After that I had another 3 runs and I won all 3 across the line, but the last one made me grin. A 10.9 was more than satisfactory! I was hoping to crack 11's and I would have been happy :-) Thanks to all for all the good advice guys, of course I forgot it all on the strip

All I'm thinking about now is "When's the next one?" <i></i>
Mick, good to see you enjoyed yourself mate.
Now you have seen why we are addicted to drag racing, it gets you in hey.

Sorry I couldnt hang around to see you run a 10, good work mate, I hope you were racing Hiedi and dragged her through with you.

Just so some of the slower guys can know, what was it that you did different on your 10 second run?

Some of us will be out to race this Friday night if it isnt raining again, but you can race there every Wednesday night, the gates open between 4:30 and 5:00pm and racing starts at 6:00pm, entry is $45. Even if there are no Busa club members, there is always a couple of bikes, you'll be right, get out and have fun. <i></i>
Great time well done mate Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Thanks Dave, yeah I fully understand why you guys like it, I'm with you!

After the first couple of runs I started to get more comfortable and was better able to notice what was actually happening rather just hanging on.

I wasn't getting the power down the first few runs because I think I was still riding in 'street' mode by progressively opening the throttle rather than just nailing it from the start.

On the last run I was up against the guy on the Green Kwaka and f****d if I was gonna let him beat me! My reaction times were pretty good all day and I did a .032 on the last one and just went for it.

I think I could have got a 10.7 or less on that run but I reached the rev limiter in 2nd and I remember it backed off and then kicked in again before I changed to 3rd and across the line.

What an awesome bike the Busa is <i></i>

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