Getting to Know You Busa
Ok, it's 'getting to know you time' with the K8.
Satos on now lets bleed the rear brake. For some reason the reservoir is hidden behind the rear cowling?

Is there an easy (fast way of topping up while bleeding without what appears to be a dismantling job?


dad getting dumber
'Now where did I leave my slippers' Ghastly
Quote:Is there an easy (fast way of topping up while bleeding without what appears to be a dismantling job?

It's only a ten minute job to remove the whole rear cowling. Just remove all the bolts/screws and plastic clips including the plastic clips on the centre section holding the side cowls together. Just lift it upwards towards the rear and gently spread the side cowls apart to clear the rear sub frame etc. Then unplug the one plug that feeds the tail light and indicators.

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