Lane Filtering now Legal in NSW

At last

the article mentions being able to move in slow moving traffic which is lane splitting - will have to wait for the legislation to see if this is also included.

Well done pollies!

Here is more info but states laws come into affect on 1 july 2014

Lane filtering for motorcycles will be legal in NSW from July 1 and Australian Motorcycle Council chairman Shan Lennard says they will be working to see it go national.

Under the scheme, fully-licensed riders will be able to ride through stationary or slow-moving traffic (below 30km/h) at intersections. Riders will be limited to 30km/h and will not be able to filter in school zones, beside kerbs, in break-down lanes, or next to trucks and buses. Learners and provisional licence holders will not be allowed to filter.
Lets hope the rest of the stats follow Pi_thumbsup
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
"Last year, road accidents left 8,600 people dead in Thailand" (BBC World News - 27FEB2014)
Mostly motorcyclists wearing no helmet, about 50% of riders (breaking Thai Law), or wearing a rinky dink plastic helmet purchased at their local supermarket (not a Shoei), & most don't even do the chin strap up.


The Australian Government Traffic Authorities could learn from the Thais.

At 90% of traffic lights in Thailand, there is one white line for the cars & other 4 wheel vehicles to stop at, then, there is a space of 2 to 3 car lengths in front of where the cage drivers are supposed to stop & another white line before the intersection/ red light. This space in front of where the cars are supposed to stop are reserved for motorcycles.
All the bikes "Filter" through the traffic & stop in their reserved space in front of the cars & wait for the green light. Timing is not a problem as there is a big red seconds countdown so everyone knows when to "drop the clutch" & proceed across the intersection. The approx 2' high seconds turns into a green countdown when its time to go.

Apart from the extra beam of my Busa due to the "Mirror Extenders", I won't "lane filter" at Aussie intersections because I don't know when the light is going to turn green before I get to the white line, unless of course I've just witnessed the light turn red myself.

Aussie could start doing this by at least installing a big green seconds countdown at all intersections to prevent the bikes getting caught between moving cars whilst on their way to the white line.

I won't ride a bike in Thailand now, too many idiots & drunk drivers on the road. The place has changed a lot over the past 35 years. A lot of traffic
Oh,Is the law coming into effect in July 14? I have been doing filtering for a long time now, anyway maybe its good to practice. I knew some trails were occurring good to know it's legal now
Don't tempt fate,TAUNT IT!

i tired it last weekend in bankstown havent done it for 22 years since i lived in sydney it still works a treat LOL
Im with Grunt for the same reason ..

When I was in Melbourne last, the lights changed from red to orange to green. Do they still do that ??
I'm finding that in WA more and more cage and truck drivers are making room for bikes to lane split. I hope it doesn't get spoilt by the old smelly turd on a open pipe Hardley that still believes he owns the road.

Its commonly not just a grudging slight move; but an obvious move to the left. You still get the odd fang toothed cretin in a ute that sees it differently, but hopefully he'll be one of the pricks that will get blown up in in his mates meth lab.
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
It's been legal in WA for years, but car drivers still hate it!
Filtering when done correctly and with care is great but when done as I have seen it in Perth its no wonder tintop operators get pissed off.
I was in a line up at the lights(which I couldnt see) and as the lanes started moveing this ingrate on a 600 Kwaka wearing shorts,tanktop and sneakers came tearing through the traffic which was now doing bout 50, At maybee 70/80cliks weaving through no indicators! Hell I didnt see him in the mirror untill he was right behind me!Wtf

The fuuny thing was within around 3k's id cought up with the prick while he was waiting to turn left.
Its F*%K-STAINS like this that will have made illegal again.
Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes


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