MacBusa Coming to Melbourne.
I'll be down that way until 21st October and would like to meet up with you guys/gals for some cofee or a beer on weekend.

I'll be at 'seedy' Seymore (puckapunyal for a Army course) and I can go to Melbourne CBD on a train on the weekends.

I'm thinking on the weekend of the 7-8th October ??

would be great putting faces to names.

Let me know if you'd be interested.

(if you can't reply.. use the 'quote' codes)

might be an idea for you to try and make our Oct 15th ride as advertised leave winter behind something ride. if one offers to pillion you, you'll know to bring down your helmet......and bring some bling down while your at it, might have buyers who are able to see the product live and not from a pic. and save a few bux postage. Also of course theirs our mid weekly meet at some coffee spot usually around the St. Kilda area.
Are you gonna stop off and say g'day to the important people, errr, ummm, I mean... us Sydney-siders too?

Let us know and we'll arrange a welcoming party...
"sometimes crime does pay"
that weekend is no good for me Volvi.. I'll be in Woolongong (NSW) for my sisters wedding and weekdays are a no go'er.

I'll bring some bling down.. won't be much cause I aint got much room due to all the Army equipment I have to bring down.. But yes.. peeps will save on postage.

New Page 1RegardGrantKing of Stealth Bling
Can you bring one of those Billet rear master cylinders with ya?
You can call me and I'll meet up with you in Melbourne I'm only 45 minutes ride.
ok well I suggest on the saturday that you are available and let us know which, anyone who wants to meet up with Mr Bling can meet for coffee at a designated location, not sure if St Kilda might be too far out for you.
Yeah I'd probably crawl out from under my rock for an evening too. I'll just need to sort some transport out since my mazda is starting to get a bit tired. I might finally get one of the bikes registered
The Frankenbusa will rise again!!!

R you an army guy MacBusa???????????
Cause I a Navy Man!

I Always knew there had to be at least one Army bloke i'ld like,

hehehehehe just kidding, I nearly joined the army, but went Navy in stead..... and boy was that the wrong choice.


hey axeman.. yeah i'm a AJ.

Been in for nearly 8yrs now... LOL...

Yeah Matt, come out for a night... I might stay in the CBD area and a few drinks with you boys.
New Page 1RegardGrantKing of Stealth Bling
if its on a weekend I'll make sure to get good an "maggoted"
The Frankenbusa will rise again!!!
Army and Navy people all over this site actually. We got at least two ex-Navy here in Sydney...

So, anyway, are you gonna stop in Sydney or what?
"sometimes crime does pay"
sorry Pan.. most likely not be able to drop in.. Got a wedding in woolongong.. but not going to sydney.

Sorry mate... maybe next time. New Page 1RegardGrantKing of Stealth Bling
No drama cane farmer
We ran a thread once on who was military or exmilitary and there were at least 20 busa riders in the ranks.
21 years and a RAAF pension for me thank you very much.

I'm not using it anyway!
hey BUSGO, i wanted to change to RAAF'ies but decide to stay in service and join aviation corp.

Wonder if we can dig up that old army/raaf/navy thread.. New Page 1RegardGrantKing of Stealth Bling

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