What Happened to the PICS thread?
WTF? :"> The topic in the members photos section for the Phillip Island ride day is totally gone...what happened to it?

How can a whole thread just disappear?
Moved...yes? To Club photos. Was that you Richard? I know I posted that thread in member photos, not club photos.

Now the link to it on the discussion thread doesn't work.

Can we please have the "edit" button back? If we had the edit button back I would be able to fix that. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight...how can I sleep knowing that there is a link in my thread that doesn't work.

There are a few other things I would like to fix in my other threads also. I've been thinking about that for a while...that we should have the "edit" button back. Does anyone else think we should have the edit button back?

I do.

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