national meet
Would it be a good idea to try and set arough date for the meet so as to give people a date to try and plan around.Because it seems a few people are really keen but need to have some date to be able to organize time off to make it.I know i do and it would good so we could organize
accomadation to.
Any long weekends in October, November, December? we could possibly plan around one of them.
About the only holiday Victoria has left is the Melbourne Cup and no one else has that, so finding a public holiday before Christmas that is shared among states is pretty much out of the question.
Our preference would be for some time before 17 November. Court case on that date and all depending on the talents of our solicitor, the outcome may be suspension of licence. GULP!!
Sorry to hear that.

Rumour file has it that a certain Melbourne member may be about to be licence-less, due to demerit points.

Rumour has it that the person argued with the cop - "Your radar is wrong, no way was I doing 80 in a 60 zone. I must have been doing at least 130!"

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