Numberplate recognition vehicles
Don't know if there in use in Vic yet but NSW guys better be good Scary

If your unlicenced,unregistered,on a big bike with L's or P's watch out.
We've had them in canberra for a few years already. Don't see them out that much, you'll se a copper standing near a round disk mounted about grille level, a couple of hundred yards down the road you'll find members of the constabulary waiting to assist you if you're unregistered, disqualified, suspended, unlicenced etc if you are the registered owner of the 4 wheeled automobile, the vehicle reported stolen etcKnuppel2Knuppel2

Should be more of it in some ways, and a lot like big brother in others.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
They were showing it on the idiot box here during the week - i dont totally disagree with them as long as that's all they do......

The strongest reason that I support their correct use is that should one of us be knocked down by an unregistered or unlicenced or suspended etc vehicle/driver, their insurance will not cover them or us. Suing someone for losses can be very expensive and long winded. Brings to mind the sage saying "Pay unto Ceaser what is Ceasors." or words to that effect.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I'm good.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
The Pooftas.
I can't see a problem with it, might get a few more shitboxes off the road, and a few more dickheads too.
Just make sure you're licensed, and when (not if) you're hoonin'
don't do it in a built up area where you'll draw attention to yourself.

Hang on - bugger - now I'll probably have to register da busa, I was waitin' 'till summer.
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .

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