busa club in SA?
Hi everyone, have just joined the club and live in SA. Does anyone out there know if there are any rides happening in SA? If so, I would love to join in. I can't find any information on the busa site, so would appreciate any help on where to find out info on SA. <i></i>
Couple of regulars from SA , chime in here from time to time,.
Hi David i live down south & ride the Fleurieu Peninsula
most of the time via Aldinga ,Selicks,Myponga,Yanalila,
Down to Cape Jervis & (Delamere)--What a road-- .
Hay David i would like to catch up with you down at
Myponga some time soon ! Can you E/Mail me & we can plan a ride.
I ride a 03 busa.
my E/mail kymbosabby@hotmail.com

PS*** I only get on line about once a week. <i>Edited by: LARDASS at: 27/2/06 2:02 am

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