Undetectable Radar Detector
When we went to the GP last year one of the guys had an undetectable radar detector but was too worried about using it in case it was detected, as one W.A guy got caught with a radar detector in Victoria and was supposed to have been fined $2,000 and 13 demerit points. I own 2 radar detectors, one on the Busa and the other in the car. Most of the time it's to keep me honest around town as you tend to speed without realising it. It picks up all the radars, cameras and lasers but with the laser gun if the cops hit you first go then when the detector registers the laser it is too late they already have your speed marked. Not bragging but they are legal in W.A not anywhere else but I don't know for how much longer.
Party pooper alert: http://www.snopes.com/horrors/techno/radar.asp

Jammers were made legal in the UK after someone won a case in court that they didn't intercept the signal just detected it - the law in question covers intercepting Police broadcast or something, I don't really know.

Anyway, after the decision the Police embraced them as safety devices as they would just place radar signals at accident black spots to get people to slow down, as the driver wouldn't know if there was a copper on the other end or not. Simple logic - those who own them are the quickest drivers.

I'm not sure they actually did this, mind. It's been somethng like 15 years and I've never heard anyone say this has happened to them at all.
Carpe Diem!
If the radar detector does not interfere with the police equipment or any other emergency vehicle equipment it should be no problem using it.

I have asked a couple of cops and they did say just that as well.

I use them quite often. im just having some issues with one of them its not picking them up anymore. time to update.

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