warning with Hwy Ptrl - Printable Version

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RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - steventh - 27-10-2008

Hi Ray,

What a bummer. These public servants have lost the plot.

Hopefully you will win, but that doesn't compensate for the stress, worry and legal expenses in the meantime.

Unfortunately,they are supported by the rest of us being silent and meekly accepting their bullshit. Take the last World Youth day where Ieemma (NSW) made it illegal to Inconvenience (that right "inconvenience") a pilgrim. You could be arrested by the St john's ambulance even and no outcry. I was dumbfounded. The diggers would have been turning in their graves!

Isn't this meant to be the country where we tell ridiculous authority to get sruffed.

Not as serious as Ray's but in a similiar vein, my latest is the Wildlife Parks threatenining to take me to court over an $11 park entrance fee. Having never paid to go through the Royal I assumed that bikes were exempt and rode through Ku ring gai NP. Even after explaining that it was a reasonable expectation and offering to pay the fee the wankers are threatening to take me to court were I could be fined $3300, plus their legal costs plus court fees plus my legal fees.
And they have f'd around for over a year now.

What a bunch of wankers!!

Ray, good luck with it.

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - Heidi1 - 27-10-2008

Bloody hell Ray! Are you getting into training for Jindy? Good luck with this, it does sound like a bad movie, but on the upside, you are the guy in the white hat. Good luck.

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - GiddyUp - 27-10-2008

Re:Phil if u could imagine a dangerous escapee being rounded up ,well that will give u some idea how i was treated.

Unfortunately I can imagine that Ray! Not good. Two things to remember Mate. 1. Don't loose your sense of humour.
2. I'll put a good word in for you with the "Governor" and get you a nice quiet Library job in the Nick. I won't have my Mates made to pick up the soap in the shower...........Eek

Now that your smiling, try not to let this shit get you down. (Easy for me to say I know)
And as for being 61 years old! Good grief. Your heart should be donated to one of these limp dick, yuppie litre bike riders... They just don't make e'm as hard core anymore..... I think Rev got the last one!

Cheers and best wishes, Phil.

Jindy Loop Yep, we did the jindy loop while all the others sayed indoors. At least they got their bike pics in the mag! Roll

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - bear - 27-10-2008

They certainly don't like being asked to consider the fact they may actually be causing a hazard do they? Mind you, I've had good and bad. One guy on a bike pulled me up or tried to, in the outside lane of three lanes in the wet (I was on my bike) and because I kept going until we came to the next overpass where both of us could park in the dry, he tried to make out I was ignoring him! Even though we'd made eye contact and I'd indicated I was going to slowly move over and stop up ahead. He was a dickhead but finally backed off. Then recently I got pulled over by a car (I was in my Golf GTI this time) and he had a list a mile long of what I'd done worng, and I was close to over the limit. But he said something along the lines that I needed to set a better example to P platers, and let me off! You can never tell eh?
Good luck though.

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - kawasuki - 27-10-2008

GiddyUp Wrote:Re:Phil if u could imagine a dangerous escapee being rounded up ,well that will give u some idea how i was treated.

Unfortunately I can imagine that Ray! Not good. Two things to remember Mate. 1. Don't loose your sense of humour.
2. I'll put a good word in for you with the "Governor" and get you a nice quiet Library job in the Nick. I won't have my Mates made to pick up the soap in the shower...........Eek

Now that your smiling, try not to let this shit get you down. (Easy for me to say I know)
And as for being 61 years old! Good grief. Your heart should be donated to one of these limp dick, yuppie litre bike riders... They just don't make e'm as hard core anymore..... I think Rev got the last one!

Cheers and best wishes, Phil.

Jindy Loop Yep, we did the jindy loop while all the others sayed indoors. At least they got their bike pics in the mag! Roll

Thanks mate i will ask for a transfere down to mexico. I hope u serve hot meals . And i use powder for soap not the slippery stuff PhilBump (shhh not quite 60 yet bro)

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - Rev - 27-10-2008

She'll be right Kawa..you've got this bloke on toast.

Sounds like a slight case of over reacting to a legitimate enquiry ????
He's been watching too much of "Cops" shit on Foxtel Smitten You know, bashed until proven innocent in a court of law Lol3

Personally though, I would have just told you to fugg off & belted you with the donger but that's just me, I reckon a blue uniform just might have gone to my head...... power crazy & all that Very Happy But hey some of us are not cut out for that job, that's why I did something else instead Confused

Now did I tell ya's about the time on the old Trumpy 500 when this copper bloke ran out of the bushes right in front of me ? Yes ? No ? Maybe some other time then ........Ghastly

PS: You'll be easing up on the old shit any time soon won't you GDYUP...........now there's a good gentleman Roll

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - kawasuki - 27-10-2008

Rev may be he got u mixed up withthe other ReV "Billy"

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - rjw3105 - 29-10-2008

I could fill a whole forum, let alone a solo thread with my cop stories. These pricks are all the same. I have NEVER!! met a good one. If you think about what they do you realise they perform unskilled work way below the intellectual capacity of just about everyone! Most coppers are the schoolyard bully grown up (and out!!! because they're all stupid FAT C*nts too). I hate these guys. This is just typical of how they think they're allowed to behave...above any law or rules.

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - kawasuki - 30-10-2008

Again thanks for the support , i will keep u posted i wont say to much more as u never know who's lurking.

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - Taubusa - 30-10-2008

rjw3105 Wrote:I could fill a whole forum, let alone a solo thread with my cop stories. These pricks are all the same. I have NEVER!! met a good one. If you think about what they do you realise they perform unskilled work way below the intellectual capacity of just about everyone! Most coppers are the schoolyard bully grown up (and out!!! because they're all stupid FAT C*nts too). I hate these guys. This is just typical of how they think they're allowed to behave...above any law or rules.

Tell the c******* how it is.....fucken loosers

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - NEMESIS - 31-10-2008

Dont worry mate, not all cops are tough cuntsss.


RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - rjw3105 - 31-10-2008

bear Wrote:Then recently I got pulled over by a car (I was in my Golf GTI this time) and he had a list a mile long of what I'd done worng, and I was close to over the limit. But he said something along the lines that I needed to set a better example to P platers, and let me off! You can never tell eh?
Good luck though.

Krispy Kremes were having a 2 for 1 day. Had to get there quickly.Lol2

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - arthur dunga - 31-10-2008

Hey kawasuki lucky you hadn't been to the range that day & had your pockets filled with those 250grn nuggets. Pricks would have wrapped a towel around your head before they took a mug shot,& what, with your beard . Front page KUNTZTABLE NABS TERRORIST.

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - kawasuki - 01-11-2008

Absalfuckinglootley,,, Imagine if i had my folding gerber knife which i do carry for work and then the 10mm auto well there could have been some fun and games then.

RE: warning with Hwy Ptrl - GRUNTMAX - 02-11-2008


You say he was a flip. That's the sort of shi_ the Aussie Govt are permitting to migrate into Aussie.
I had a flip engineer working for me once, split one of the fuel lines of the injectors & of course 3 days later off Cape York I checks the top end lube oil pressure-down-. Tells him to sort it out, so the idiot dumps more lube oil in the top end lub oil reservoir. Checked the pressure myself a few hours later-down again. A shitload of fuel running past the valve guides into the sump- now the main lub oil pressures down- then the jerk says to me "that's OK, we do it on the big ships all the time". I fixed it myself, the idiot had split one of the injector fuel lines. under the rocker covers. In short, fuel fumes in the sump would have blown the motor apart and killed 6 Aussie crew in one hit. a few days later, we get's back to Cairns, then the idiot pulls a knife on one of my crew at the wharf. Ran his arse off ! That was the 2nd second flip engineer I'd hired and fired. All the tickets but totally fuc___ useless!
I hope you take that arsehole to the cleaners along with the ars-holes that employ him, the communist NSW Labour Govt!
If they had their shi- together. They'd deport the goo-
Incidently, the drunken arseho-- bitch that did this to me got a $400 fine, $70 court costs & an 18mth suspended sentence where she never had to go to jail. Lost her license for 3 years only cause I wrote a Victim Impact Statement (Catch A Bus U Bitch!)
As for me, I'm now permanently mentally ill thanks to this brain injury and I'll never work again cause of my injuries. Justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you need a good barrister, let me know. I'm their worst nightmare!
You exceed point 0.05 you should loose your license for 10years MINIMUM. That way people would not end up dead, in wooden boxes and wheelchairs! But then the Communist Crudd Labour Govt would dip out on a shi-load of booze tax so they can pay ars------ like that flip copper!
I'm sure not all coppers are like that, and a lot of them would be very pi---- off about what he did behaving in such an unprofessional manner like that, but that guy needs his ars- run off!
I'm not a racist either, spent the best part of 30 years of my life working with goo-- all over the world.