Sydney - Barrista, Beer, Babes 'n Bull Meetings - Printable Version

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Re: How on earth did we get here... - pan - 23-11-2006

I refuse to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed person

Re: How on earth did we get here... - Maggot1300 - 23-11-2006

well said mate, I know you sydney blokes are proud of your madigra but does it have to spill over into every thread you're posting in?


Re: How on earth did we get here... - simmo - 26-11-2006

Yep sorry, no one gives an inch up here

Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>

Re: How on earth did we get here... - AstroBusa - 26-11-2006

Geeze simmo... only an inch mate ?

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>

Re: How on earth did we get here... - AstroBusa - 26-11-2006

Errr.... I might just mention, before the size jokes start.... that as per usual.... the remaining members in this state do not share all of simmo's afflictions.

Suddenly the copper fetish makes sense tho...

Always thought he rode too close to the tank...

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>

SYDNEY -Penrith coffee and doughnuts - loafie01 - 26-11-2006

Im just gunna eat my jam doughnut and creamy cappa, and watch the fun . <i></i>

Re: SYDNEY -Penrith coffee and doughnuts - RuffRed - 27-11-2006

Simmo - are you saying that that it can only hold one donut at a time



Re: SYDNEY -Penrith coffee and doughnuts - simmo - 27-11-2006

Astro mate are you coming Tuesday night
if so I'm make sure Pan makes you one of his special donuts just for you it has extra cream
Don't you start Ruffy 21 at a time but the hole Pan puts in the are way too small
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>

Re: SYDNEY -Penrith coffee and doughnuts - RuffRed - 27-11-2006

Simmo - Surely you can't be speaking of "Pan The Impaler"!

He's the ron jeremy of donut punchers - that's why there's not hair on top, all the blood is needed downstairs



> Re: SYDNEY coffee - 01BUSA - 27-11-2006

In + 1 <i></i>

Re: > Re: SYDNEY coffee - BusaBabyBoomer - 27-11-2006

Is anyone welcome tomorrow night? Got to get a bit of practice in on this new rocket ship not sure I'll be able to keep up untill I find the auto pilot switch. Cant believe the power having just come from a GS 1200... . BTW do I have to bring my own hole or are they supplied with the doh nuts..... <i></i>

Re: > Re: SYDNEY coffee - AstroBusa - 27-11-2006

I've got a training day Tuesday so with some luck I'll get out early for a change. If I'm even luckier, my TOBIN will have arrived and will be waiting for me on the doorstep when I get home. If I'm even luckier, I'll get time to fit it before I come out there.

I'm not counting on being lucky tho.... some fat bastard is bound to need some work done at the last minute or the ferry will sink or something.

Don't officially expect me.... but on the off chance that I can get out there... is it still at Krunchy Kockroaches right next to Panthers or is it somewhere with edible food thats closer to civilisation ? Should I bring my freakin' passport ?

I'm too old to be out that far in the dark. I'd follow Ruffy home, but I can never keep up with him ! (Oh... sorry... must be because I'm in front ????? ) The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>

Re: > Re: SYDNEY coffee - BUSGO - 27-11-2006

You remind me of an old SUPERTRAMP song Astro......

Dreamer nothin but a dreamer.......

Get your passport in order for the 9th at the Half Way House mate.

I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>

Re: > Re: SYDNEY coffee - AstroBusa - 27-11-2006

Hmmm.... and Busgo.... when you read my 1999th post in the Tobin seat thread.... I promise.... wasn't aimed at you.
The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>

Re: > Re: SYDNEY coffee - pan - 27-11-2006

I may be late... and bringing a surprise!

"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>