Question for the 8 sec drag guys
Aye aye GDYUP,

thanks for the support, it's allways good to have your efforts apreciated. Try looking up a few of the regulars at Calder - with a few tips and a bit of "Attitude towards the twist grip" you may suprise yourself. A Clutch Mod and Timing Retard Eliminator (US$100+ from Schnitz or a bit of wire and a quick solder from your friendly Drag racer) and all of a sudden you're on the slippery road to damnation
Actually what I meant to say was that you would go a bit quicker
And Err enjoy it a bit
Best Regds. Captain. The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!
No worries Bill,
I honestly never meant it to be be in malice.

Any help or hints/tips I can offer just ask and I will be more than willing to help out.

Aye aye Bill,

Fair enough - I'd like to think that when Shredder officially breaks into the 8 sec club he will be as passionate about protecting it's integrity as the rest of us. After all - If it were easy then everyone would be doing it.
It's not allways easy being "in the crosshairs" but I've yet to meet anyone who regrets it. Even though you'll be on yer own for a while - it's gotta be worth being QLD's 1st outside of the A/SB's with their auto trans. VIVA the Braggin rights
Hurry up Shredder and run that 8 so's we can 100% put this subject to bed PREMANENTLY The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!
Aye aye Captain.

Done all that years ago. I hated the Bus with the slipper clutch.

I clock up at least 500 klms a week and have done for years. But get me on a track to race or drag and I know I'd be hooked. So being old, frail and with my nerves shot I think I'll just commute and do latte runs....

But you guys keep the info coming in. There are alot out here in Latteville that take notes...

Gotta admit I knew nuthin' about all the bar business. Shit I'd pull out all stops to get to the next level. Just for me though! f*** everyone else me thinks???

But rules are rules, if you obey them???

Gotta go and clear the poop deck of quoits Captain.

Cheers, Yo ho ho and a bottle of Rum....
Weell I am a 11 sec drag racer.
Wheels Dymag
brakes Braketech rotors
c/f fender
Yoshi cams
B/Hindle Gen 3 exhaust
calipers (brembo)
Elka shock
Gilles reasets
Brembo brake cyl.
braided lines
front forks modified
swingarm comming (JMC)
Carbon/Kevlar tank comming
airbox mod and pair/v. gone
And I am on a Probation Lic.
And thinking of a 1464 kit
Now, just watch out at the track, cause me and Uncle smith and wesson will be there....... Cheers,
It just chokes me up when you guys share the love. A bit like when they shot Old Yeller, I had a tear in my eye.

But seriously, Bill is a great guy who was just trying to stick up for a mate. Perhaps if more of us simply typed what we realy mean, things would be better.

What a load of crap!!!! Who can we stir up now, gdy, Kawa, c'mon guys x
f*** off,,, Stir up Rockett instead, he deseves it(honda)... Cheers,
Don't you think Rocket cops enough? Besides, he's allowed, he's like the Steady Eddy of the forum
I whacked on Staintunes
Polished edge of wheels
BTL mod
Inserted grills in fairings
Chromed bar weight/ends
Braided brakes
headlamp protector
custom hump storage mod

...and the sucker still only gets me there in 11.6...

VIVA LA SYDNEY MOCHA CLUB Edited by: pan at: 4/10/05 10:51 pm
Aye aye,

So you've added weight and gone the same time

Congratulations on your improvement The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!

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