warning with Hwy Ptrl
This is sounding like a crooked cop movie. There are some good ones out there but obviously some bad ones too. I think the uniform can be a bit of a power trip for some. I've had some bad encounters but nothing like you've described. I wish you all the best and keep us posted. I really hope it all goes in your favour.
kawasuki Wrote:Ok Complaints have been sent. i am in hidding now just till the feathers settle..LOL
I was beaten shitless when i was a 15 yr old kid by plain clothes detectives(3) in Central station for fighting, they also hung me out of the second floor window with a gun to my head , hit every time i put down the wrong answere on the statement and locked up in the Yasmar for the weekend. At the time my dad couldnt afford to fight the case against the police force. Its my time now.

I think your time has come... vengence is a sweet dish best eaten cold.
Sorry I'm not nearer to back you up in court.
kawasuki Wrote:Ok Complaints have been sent. i am in hidding now just till the feathers settle..LOL
I was beaten shitless when i was a 15 yr old kid by plain clothes detectives(3) in Central station for fighting, they also hung me out of the second floor window with a gun to my head , hit every time i put down the wrong answere on the statement and locked up in the Yasmar for the weekend. At the time my dad couldnt afford to fight the case against the police force. Its my time now.

Don't you love a democracy where morons in Blue Uniforms and Jackboots think they have the right to do what evr they like, completely disregarding their sworn duty of public care. Good luck with this Ray. I've seen them park in the same stupid manner quite often, where they'll pull someone up and block the adjacent lane very close to intersections, thus placing all the traffic using the intersections at the time in peril. Dickheads! You have right on your side. Let's just hope you also have justice!
It's a week by week charade.
Where's their reflective vests??

They're kind of a must when they are on the road out of the vehicle????
kawasuki Wrote:Ok Complaints have been sent. i am in hidding now just till the feathers settle..LOL
I was beaten shitless when i was a 15 yr old kid by plain clothes detectives(3) in Central station for fighting, they also hung me out of the second floor window with a gun to my head , hit every time i put down the wrong answere on the statement and locked up in the Yasmar for the weekend. At the time my dad couldnt afford to fight the case against the police force. Its my time now.

Why the hell did they put a gun to your head ?
Wtf thats messed up.

A few of my mates have copped the yellow page effect
but yeh thats abit much.
Best of luck in bringing this cocksucker downPi_thumbsup
arh in those days ,well in the same months a BIG sgt apparently fell on a prisoner a killed him in the cell,,, the copper was like 25-30 stone and on that same night they said u(meaning me) will be interviewed by the same copper
Scary Scary
kawasuki Wrote:arh in those days ,well in the same months a BIG sgt apparently fell on a prisoner a killed him in the cell,,, the copper was like 25-30 stone and on that same night they said u(meaning me) will be interviewed by the same copper
Scary Scary

Easy az, IF you had a few cheeseburgers to bargain with...
Causes of action in police misconduct litigation
Assault and battery ・the intentional infliction of harm.
Negligence ・breach of a duty of care which causes injury.
Misfeasance by a public officer ・deliberate acts by a public officer which are known to be beyond the power of that office.

Vely Interesthting
Just a small update. It looks like i have three new witnesses (not the shit pub ones either, quote the sen constable)). Also when he served the brief he spoke to my son as I was not there. He explained how this and that happened and i should plead giulty, then the fucker had the hide to ask to come inside , the son said thanks for the papers and bye.

Jindy Loop 2008
Camel Wrote:Coercion?

Pretty close to it, the problem is proving he said it.
Hey lets face it ! PIGS ARE PIGS, no matter what state your in !

Pays to know your "constitutional rights", but then that will probably land you in the smart ass category too !!

P.S ~ no wonder they have no friends >>>>
Hey lets face it ! PIGS ARE PIGS, no matter what state your in !

And who are the people you go whining to the moment you are in trouble Quikshifter? They are doing their job and as in any job, there are good ones and bad ones. Ray has come up against a couple of questionable ones, I've done some pretty dumb stuff in my time, but I've only met nice ones. Bugger off with your ignorant generalisations.
True Heidi I know many coppers some very bad and some very good just like all people. BUT i have only met 2 Hwy Ptrl coppers that were any good and they were in the old days, the rest are just crapola ,just imagine if they got there stips for booking drivers and riders.
Ok, I've done stupid things and been in the back of the van on more than one occassion. I've been lifted bodily up by two coppers trying to move me and I've been caught on a bike doing considerably over the speed limit. Every time the cops have been nothing but polite to me as that is what I have been to them, as I have been caught being fool and they have been doing their jobs.

I have worked with disadvantaged kids and women getting the crap beaten out of them and had a lot to do with the cops through that as well.

It is an easy shot for some idiot to say all cops are arseholes and tar them with the same brush. That is bullshit. It is a thankless task and can you blame them for developing attitude when people are generally fucknuckles to the uniform before they even open their mouth.

You couldn't pay me to do the job they do.

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