Is it OK for a grown man to cry?
(07-11-2011, 07:52pm)BusaJim Wrote: Your crying because you dropped your bike? shit mate what will you be like in a real traumatic event.

What is the bike community coming to Frown

Only very few have NEVER dropped their Bikes. I actually thought you dropped a real BABY who was sitting on the bike!!
This gave you a chance to pick it up and yourself up to show what real men have to do sometimes. It was a blow, but not a deadly one. Imagine getting bitten by a snake, or getting divorced(similar experience) or getting a cop fine you for 6kph over the sign and he gives you a lecture to boot...
Some things do happen which are not meant to happen...
(07-11-2011, 10:10pm)Greeny_SA Wrote:
(07-11-2011, 09:59pm)alpal Wrote:
(07-11-2011, 09:37pm)Greeny_SA Wrote:
(07-11-2011, 08:43pm)alpal Wrote:
(07-11-2011, 03:26pm)Bundybusa Wrote: I started crying on Saturday and still haven't stopped. I had a very traumatic experience with my baby. I was trying to be so careful and was putting her down ever so gently when I accidentally let her go. I tried with all my might to catch her, but I just wasn't fast enough. She has a few scratches and grazes, but luckily no fractures or breakages.

That'll be the last time I try and get my Busa down off an Anderson Stand by myself after oiling the chain. Might have to get one of those auto oiling thingy-me-jigs.

Yours in sadness,


Yeah I have Pro-oilers on Bus and Storm plus on my sons street triple best thing since sliced bread dunno why they do not come standard
How do you keep the rim's clean ? I reckon it takes less time to lube the chain than to clean the excess oil off the rim's but, thats just Me .

The chain stays cleaner flick off guarantees it, the rims get dirty but no different to chainlube probably better works off speedo drive signal so only pumps when moving and is infinitely variable and processor controlled you always have film between rollers and sprockets and you can feel it even manually pushing bike is easier. wouldn't go back no more f*&^ing around on trips (missus hated spinning wheel and spraying chain while I manhandled bike up on sidestand) never replaced oil in container yet on storm and has done over 10000 k's with it on. Brilliant system
Yeah the Strom blokes love them But after spending 100 hr's + polishing my rims I Don't want to constantly Drip feed oil onto them . You got a Wee Or a V?, as I'm thinking of getting one to use as a work vehicle .Mostly metropolitan use , I HAVE to go to 8 pub's EVERY day . It's Tough .
I have a VTR1000 (Not VStrom) as a weekend flog and use Busa for trips both have oilers they only drip once every few kms and lube makes a much bigger mess of rims esp that silver Motul shit. I have a pub at home always stocked always cold...

Bad luck about the drop but most have already been there. I find getting it fixed is best and you will forget all about it.

A front roll on stand is good , holds the bike upright then lift the back with a rear stand.

Do the chain every 500ks you will soon get used to it.
Just make sure the side stand is out and in 1st gear before commencing to roll off paddock stand as the back wheel touchs the ground the paddock stand remains engaged allow bike to lean to the left holding onto the grab rail remove stand and allow to rest on side stand. I am always checking the side stand is out before and during getting off paddock stand.
If I ever forget I am not sure I would be able to control weight from grab rail.
Have never looked at chain oilers before but sounds a good way to go.
(07-11-2011, 03:26pm)Bundybusa Wrote: I started crying on Saturday and still haven't stopped. I had a very traumatic experience with my baby. I was trying to be so careful and was putting her down ever so gently when I accidentally let her go. I tried with all my might to catch her, but I just wasn't fast enough. She has a few scratches and grazes, but luckily no fractures or breakages.

That'll be the last time I try and get my Busa down off an Anderson Stand by myself after oiling the chain. Might have to get one of those auto oiling thingy-me-jigs.

Yours in sadness,


Been there and know how you feel and all my fault dropping the Bike off the stand, second time was the Feb 22 Earthquake here in Christchurch when the Bike was shunted over a meter across the garage floor and into the wall . Thankfully I have a painted and slippery floor paint so it slid the right way and did'nt go over. Only a few scratches but over a 100k damage to the house, I'm one of the lucky one's .

Busa is in gear every night now and strapped down left and right.

I've also got a bike grab from which would make it heaps easier for the one man job,
but I just use it when I've got the Busa loaded up in the back of the ute.
Don't worry mate I'm still feeling your pain ...

Hope you didn't hurt those microns Scary you know we can't replace them!!!
Just to clarify, I didn't drop an actual "human" baby, but I do consider my Busa to be my baby.

And thanks for all the suggestions - I will take each and everyone of them on board to make sure I don't make the same stupid mistake again.

And "yes" GA-Man, the Microns did get some slight grazing (as did my foot, arm and every other part of my body that I threw under the bike to try and save her). Never mind, I've been thinking of painting the Microns black like yours - that way it shouldn't show as much road grime as they do now. Wanna swap? My silver ones go faster!!!!
(10-11-2011, 09:34am)Bundybusa Wrote: Just to clarify, I didn't drop an actual "human" baby, but I do consider my Busa to be my baby.

And thanks for all the suggestions - I will take each and everyone of them on board to make sure I don't make the same stupid mistake again.

And "yes" GA-Man, the Microns did get some slight grazing (as did my foot, arm and every other part of my body that I threw under the bike to try and save her). Never mind, I've been thinking of painting the Microns black like yours - that way it shouldn't show as much road grime as they do now. Wanna swap? My silver ones go faster!!!!

Lol2 I like my black ones !
Faster ??? Nah when their attached to Black and Orange you know there fast !!
Take a tea spoon of cement with a glass of water and harden the F* up
[Image: 27535_125512297482400_7285_n.jpg]TOASTY!
(10-11-2011, 02:59pm)PEENEE_5000 Wrote: Take a tea spoon of cement with a glass of water and harden the F* up

Thanks Peenee. I'll take your suggestion with the same jest & seriousness of my original post.

Thanks Peenee. I'll take your suggestion with the same jest & seriousness of my original post.

I would be devastated if I dropped my Busa especially something silly like off a stand etc Pi_freak

I feel ya pain bro Frown
[Image: HayabusaSmall.jpg]

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